"Christianity's Messiah and Judaism's Messiah have nothing in common, nothing at all!" That is because they are not the same Messiah…one is a counterfeit! Which one is it?
These falsified passages found in different versions of Christian Bibles are not only inaccurate in depicting Jesus as the fulfillment of the Jewish Messiah, they can be shown upon examination and comparison with the Hebrew texts to be little more than corrupted verses taken from the Hebrew Scriptures which have been purposefully manipulated, purposefully misquoted, and mistranslated. Many of these Hebrew Messianic Scriptures ended up ripped from their original Hebrew contexts by overzealous anti-Judaic and anti-Semitic Gentile Christians who were not above inventing many more out of thin air many centuries ago. Such Scriptural forgery occurred in order to make the Christ of the Ancient Wisdom traditions fit traditional Jewish Messianic parameters. Correspondingly, the ancient Christ in the Ancient Wisdom was, at the hands of Church Fathers and their scribes, made to conform to the traditional Jewish Messianic parameters. Today we recognize this literary synthesis as the supposed "Jewish" Christ by then name of Jesus.
I have just made an amazing claim that staggers the imagination of most Christian readers. The question you have to ask yourself is this: "Can this be proven beyond all doubt today?" It surely can, or else as an ex-ordained Pastor I would not be devoting my life and the considerable time it takes to research this information and make it available to the Christian community in hopes of restoring Biblical truths long lost to Christians due to the Scriptural tampering by the Orthodox Roman Church. Few Christians are aware concerning the truth that lay behind their "Jesus Story" and the true Words of God than lay in shambles in the Bibles that we inherited by the Orthodox Roman Church as it was corrupted and debased by the early anti-Semitic Gentile Church of Rome during the early centuries of its evolution. Sadly, we find these same corruptions in our Christian versions today and they go unnoticed by almost all except those who have taken the time to investigate this amazing deception. This, among other reasons, is why I could no longer continue my successful pastorate once learning of this tragic fact concerning the documents and my Christian Bible which I was taught to use for my faith and practice in the Christian faith. Seminary did not teach me this, however, it provided the Biblical skills and tools to do such studies and research, which when done by me, uncovered these sad events in the history of my faith. These studies were undertaken during the early years of my pastorate as I was studying and looking for the Jewish Jesus in an attempt to recover the Hebrew Roots of my "then" Christian Faith. What I discovered not only broke my heart but also shamed me before God that I could have fallen into such a trap of religious deception. Armed with this knowledge I devoted my life to teach this truth to my brothers and sisters in my birth faith. I heavy-heartedly would find that that no matter how hard I tried to change Christianity for the better by restoring long-lost Scriptural truths it was almost hopeless and resignation from my pastorate was my only recourse. The question that you and I face is if we want to be a man-pleaser or a God-pleaser. I have answered that question myself and the information on this and other websites will help you in finding your personal answer to that same question as well. When finished, having proved to yourself that the New Testament Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah, and then what or whom is he? What does the "Jesus Story" stand for? What was it originally to mean to our Souls? If not literal or historical, as evident from seeing these mounds of textual forgery, the intent of which is to present to the unsuspecting a presumed literal and historical figure that finds its expression through the Roman Church, what is the "Jesus Story" supposed to mean to me and my Soul?
This website will reveal to its readers multiple comparisons of Scriptural passages taken from both the Hebrew Bible, called the Tanakh, and various Christian Bible translations in both Greek and English.Answer for yourself: And why will we do this? Only in so doing can the reader see for himself how "messianic prophecy" from the Hebrew Scriptures and the earlier Hebrew Bibles have been purposefully altered and changed and how these adulterated passages were later made to apply to a new Testament Jesus when the original Hebrew passages were never intended to refer to him in the slightest sense! These anti-Judaic early Church Fathers and scribes manipulated and altered the Words of God in the early centuries of the emerging Orthodox Roman Church in order to force Messianic "fulfillments" in the presumed life of Jesus. In so doing, they show little if any fear or reverence for God since they with abandon consistently "added to" and "took away" from the Words of God in order to force false fulfillments of Messianic prophecies that they made apply to Jesus. The evidence for this Scriptural forgery will speak for itself as you see example after example of Christian forgery of the Hebrew Scriptures and their later Greek translations, and it is these forged Greek translations that end up on the pages of our English Old and New Testaments today!
There is much difficult material ahead for the Christian to see and ponder. Understand from the get go that this website is an affirmation of the truth of Judaism and the faith and religion of the Jewish people and is not intended to prove Christianity wrong, but rather the religion of the Jewish people and Judaism right. It is not my intention to hurt anyone or to destroy anyone's faith with unveiling the deception to which we as Christians have unknowing fallen in our forged Bibles. Yet, it is my intention to reveal to seekers of truth what has happened to the Hebrew Scriptures and the depictions that exist in the anti-Semitic Gentile New Testament where so many religious doctrines that accompany and are applied to this Jesus render the reader and believer in such "dogmas" an idolater and blasphemer before God. It is my prayer that a truthful presentation of such materials collected in over almost thirty years of in-depth Biblical scholarship will break up the fallow ground and hearts of the readers in hope of repentance when you see such errors taught as supposed truths by an anti-Judaic and anti-Semitic orthodox Gentile Christianity.
Christianity has based itself on the Hebrew Scriptures. Rome has too. If it had not, then Christianity would be a completely detached religion, which could not validate itself on the claimed fulfillment of biblical Judaism's Scriptures. Christianity established itself upon Judaism's foundation and, therefore, remains vulnerable to Judaism's interpretation of its own Holy Book. Let us not forget that Christianity is supposed to the "fulfillment" of Biblical Judaism; it either is or is not based upon the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures. The problem we encounter is if we have in our Christian Bibles faithful and accurate representations of these Hebrew Scriptures both in our Old Testaments and in the quotes from them in our New Testaments.Answer for yourself: How many scholarly books on this "one" book of Christianity [the New Testament] have you ever read?
Answer for yourself: Have you ever taken the time to look at and compare the quotes of the Hebrew Bible as found in your New Testament that are passed off as "fulfillments of Messianic prophecy" with the corresponding parent texts in a Hebrew-English Bible? Well I and many other "truth-seekers" have and what we have seen and learned is not only alarming but also life changing!
The question we now ask is this: Does the Jesus of the New Testament fulfill the Hebrew Scriptures or is he made to seem to be the fulfillment of them though clever manipulation of the Hebrew Scriptures though the purposeful mistranslation, misquotation, misapplication of them and even the taking of them out of context for Gentile theological purposes and agendas?
Judaism is a faith built on solid Hebrew Biblical knowledge. Most Jewish people have always lived, and live today, attached to every word, every sentence, and every nuance in their Hebrew Scriptures. Study of God's word has been a holy activity for devout Jews throughout the ages, even to the detriment of earning a living. This is common knowledge concerning the Jewish people's dedication to God made available to anyone who would inquire. Said of old is that no people know the holy revelation in God's Words better than those to whom God addressed it, namely the Jewish people. To think that Rome and the later Gentile Church is a better interpreter of the Hebrew Scriptures than the Jews and their scholars is ludicrous and stretches the believability of our very own minds.PROOF-TEXTS OF CHRISTIANITY: ARE THESE SCRIPTURES FAITHFUL TRANSLATIONS OF THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES?
What the vast majority of Christians fail to realize is that the Hebrew Bible has nothing to say about Jesus, not one thing. Notice carefully I said the "Hebrew Bible" and not the Greek mistranslation of it with its hundreds of alterations and purposeful misquotations and mistranslations of the Hebrew Scriptures, the intent of which was to introduce foreign Gentile religious concepts concerning a son of God and Sun gods to the Jewish concept of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures. It is these added religious concepts which were first added into the Hebrew Scriptures and later Greek translations of them by the apostate Essenes of Alexandria, Egypt, in 200 B.C.E., which will in a little over 200 years from their forgery be applied by the Qumran Essenes to their slain Teacher of Righteousness in 70 B.C.E. Within a hundred years, these same dogmas end up applied to the coming Avatar of the soon dawning age of Pisces. We know this celestial avatar today by the name of Jesus and before long, this "Jesus Story" was adopted and propagated by the emerging Gentile "believers" toward the end of the first century of the Common Era. The later Church Fathers call these Essenes the first "Christians" and we see this early reference of them noted in Acts 6: Acts 6:7 7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. (KJV)The Essenes had long ago departed from normative Judaism since as Zadok priests, the Hasmonean dynasty ere refused to allow the Essenes to assume their rightful place in the temple as the official priesthood of Israel. Their rejection from their rightful priesthood only fueled their later separation and total rejection in their eyes of an apostate Judaism of their day. This would only cause their further spiritual evolution away from the current expression of Judaism but further provide the impetus for their progressive radical reinterpretation of the typical Jewish Messiah. We find their legacy adopted and later elaborated upon by Rome since both the Essenes possessed at the very heart of their religious expressions, a great dependency, and influence upon the Sun and Sun worship.
Christianity's use of the Hebrew Bible is both their strength and their flaw. It is their strength because the Hebrew Bible is the word of God. It is their flaw because Gentile Christianity misinterprets and misappropriates the Hebrew Scriptures to support their claims. It is ironic, but when Christianity claims fulfillment of, and yet obliterates, the Hebrew Bible's message and prophecies, then all truth seekers have a right, even a duty, to demonstrate this terrible error which is passed off to the unsuspecting Gentile world as the "infallible, inerrant, and inspired" Word of God. Such a Christian's Bible with such falsehoods and Scriptural adulterations is anything but the Word of God. Secondarily, the Jesus depicted within such a document is anything but the "real;" in fact we accept uncritically the New Testament's depiction of the Jewish Jesus along with all the forged and falsified texts that surround him and are never aware of the need to investigate or question this "counterfeit" Jesus. Not being versed in Biblical Judaism before reading the New Testament then it is impossible to spot the forgery from the truth when reading the pages of the New Testament; we accept without question that all contained within the New Testament must be true because we have been told it is. We are set up to be deceived when but a little study into these matters will reveal the truth about the New Testament in this regard. The result is a belief in a Jesus as "the Christ" that never existed as depicted in the New Testament, and often such beliefs render the believer as stated above an idolater and blasphemer before God! Sadly, Christians never know they are wrong in their religious beliefs since they are not aware their Scriptures are less than accurate then translated from the Hebrew. Since unknowingly believing purposefully altered texts and Scriptures, as Christians, we are not aware of our true spiritual condition before God because. When taught to believe in the Bible's Scriptures, we were at the same time taught never to doubt the New Testament or ask questions about its reliability and integrity. Our pastors and priests failed to teach us at the same time, however, that these Scriptures in our Bibles, before they reached us, underwent tamperings and corruptions thousands of times. Scriptural and textual corruptions and interpolations (additions) of the Bible's Scriptures, in order to create a "Replacement Religion" in the New Testament, are prevalent from beginning to end of the Bible is a person submits himself or herself to serious Bible study. As Christians, we never knew we could be wrong yet the Jews have told our Scriptures in our Bibles are not accurate to the Hebrew going on now for 2000 years. The Jewish people and their Rabbis have consistently maintaining in the jaws of death inflicted upon them by the Christian Church that the Christian Jesus and Christian Messiah is not "the" Jewish Messiah. Christians seldom hear these warnings, or take heed of them because we grow up conditioned in our Churches reading corrupted and falsified texts over and over again, never knowing what happened to the Hebrew Bible at the hands of the Roman Church!
When a person undertakes such a study of the forgery of religious texts within Gentile Christianity and their Bibles then he quickly sees that Christianity's faith cannot be accepted by anyone who is even slightly knowledgeable of the Hebrew Scriptures and who uses his reasoning ability. As God created our minds, He expects us to use our reasoning together with our faith. Faith is not a substitute for reason, but a development from it and alongside it. God never gave us a lie or told us to believe a lie and when your study reveals to you the corruption of the Hebrew Scriptures and their twisting into false Messianic fulfillments concerning Jesus in the New Testament, then understand God never gave you these purposefully misquoted and mistranslated Hebrew Scriptures. Not did God the many Scriptures in the New Testament that derive from Hebrew verses taken out of context that you find your Christian Bibles. Anti-Semitic Gentiles are the culprit here; the same ones that gave you not only the Roman New Testament but the worked-over Old Testament as well. It is to these anti-Judaic Roman Christian Church Fathers and their scribes we must look for the origin of verses in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish Bibles that ended up purposefully mistranslated and misquoted in our Bibles. It is to these "textual forgers" we must look for the origin of the many words and phrases invented in our Christian Scriptures, as well as the many tenses of Hebrew verbs that were altered from the "present tense" to the "future tense" in our Christian Bibles. The purposeful alteration and corruption of present tense verbs in the Hebrew Scriptures to future tense verbs allow for the transformation of Scriptures out of their original contexts. Hence, what originally applied to historical Old Testament personages, are through textual forgery, made to apply falsely to the New Testament Jesus, thus deceiving millions, if not billions of people, down through the Christian centuries. It is time to learn the truth concerning these matters before we die and meet the Creator with idolatry as the cornerstone of our inherited forged Scriptures of the Christian faith.JESUS' GOD IS JUDAISM'S GOD In no place in the New Testament did Jesus claim to be God, or God incarnate, or part of a Trinity, or in any way a special substance of God. This idea of Christianity has no basis in Jesus' pronouncements and finds its beginning in the forgery of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek and later all English versions of the Old Testament with its resultant quotes in the New Testament. Religious concepts having more in common with "literalized" Sun worship and "literalized" astral worship became included into later Greek and later English versions of the Hebrew Scriptures and all quotes taken from them that we find in the New Testament. These, of course, send up applied to this Jesus. In so doing a human messiah and anointed one of God becomes a "literal" Sun-godman and even God himself. Idolatry and blasphemy are the fruit of such forgery and seldom does the New Testament Christian know of this because it never dawns upon him to investigate the integrity of his Christian Bible and its faithfulness in translation from the Hebrew Bible that Jesus used. The Jewish Messiah was never to be God incarnated!
In the passages that follow for your examination, you will see beyond any doubt that Jesus' God is the God of the Jewish people, as they know Him, no other. As startling as this may be to Jews and Christians, when searched with an open mind, the New Testament of Christianity shows that the Jesus of the New Testament lived and died a Jew who believed in Judaism, the God of Judaism, and the everlasting nature of Judaism. Jesus of the New Testament was not a Christian and never advocated the establishment of any new religion. Unknown again to most Gentile Christians is the fact that the non-Jew has his place within Biblical Judaism as he adheres to the Covenant and Laws of Noah that Judaism has taught for over three thousand years. Instead of this Divine legacy Christians adopt a New Covenant of man's making and literally stand without a Covenant before God; again, most Christians live totally unaware of this because they accept everything in their Bibles uncritically and without question. Few Christians ever learn the truth concerning this matter, for example, that the word "new" spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, means in the Hebrew "renewed" not "replaced" as later misquoted in the Book of Hebrews! This is just part of the deception.
Although the New Testament depicts Jesus observing the Jewish religion, it is obvious that Christianity is not the Jewish religion and has little in common with it. Christianity is not the religion observed by the Jesus in the New Testament, nor is it undergirded by the Torah as well as the commandments of God. Christianity, as it developed, distanced itself from its Jewish roots, and becomes is a religion "about Jesus," forsaking in the process, the "religion of Jesus." Lost in all of this is the accurate understanding of a "Jewish Jesus," as well as the Jewish religion practiced and observed by him in the New Testament. The Jewish faith and religion, properly understood, is the example for the spiritual evolution of the Souls indwelling all of humankind. Both the religion modeled by Jesus, along with the Gospel of St. Paul regarding the "mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints…which is Christ in you," teaches the human Soul can refine itself and make it holy and acceptable with God. This occurs by a combination of holy behavior and obedience to the Words of God in His commandments for us in the Torah. The Torah prescribes throughout our lives that special rituals and prayers accompany special times and occasions throughout the year, thus helping us to accomplish the spiritual goal desired for our Souls in the Torah as well as in the New Testament. In the New Testament, this goal is termed "the fullness and stature of Christ." The word "Torah" is a Hebrew word that means "instruction" [for our Soul], and it, when instructing the reader's Soul concerning the commandments of God, is one of the best ways to connect with God in our lives and at these special times during our lives.In truth, as we progress in our studies, the reader will come to see that the Messianic Scriptures in New Testament derive from the events that transpire in the mythological lives of the personified Sun gods from the Ancient Wisdom and Mystery Religions. These astronomical allegories and myths from the Ancient Wisdom and their personified Sun gods end up later portrayed through the Jewish religion and the Jewish culture in the make-believe lives of numerous supposed personages that were never literal or historical persons. Not possessing the knowledge of this Ancient Wisdom going all the way back to Ancient Egypt and even beyond, we mistake when readings these allegories, myths, and metaphors, as if the characters in these narrative are literal people due to our prior indoctrination in the Western hemisphere. In America today, we grow up a literalists. The writers of these ancient Scriptures never intended their writings read all the way through literally and historically, and we never knew this. In other words, the New Testament, when read literally and historically, cannot but fail to portray its spiritual message of the Soul's evolution on Earth properly. This is seen with no greater example in the reading of what we suppose to be fulfilled Messianic Scriptures.
The New Testament does a much better job portraying the Christ of the Ancient Wisdom than the Jewish Messiah, but only if we read these texts allegorically, metaphorically, mystically, and metaphysically. The confusion comes in when the indwelling Christ of St. Paul's Gospel, deriving as it does from the Ancient Wisdom, ends up later portrayed in Jewish dress, in the Jewish culture, and in the Jewish religion as a presumed literal and historical person who supposedly lived two thousand years ago. In so doing, the New Testament has become a story about a "supposed man" when the myths of the Ancient Wisdom underwent personification. The religion of Jesus, Judaism, based as it is upon the Torah, trains the Soul for a successful Earthly pilgrimage. This is why it is important when reading the New Testament, we try to separate the "religion of Jesus" from the "religion about Jesus" later created by the anti-Judaic Orthodox Roman Church that was intended to lead uneducated and unsuspecting people through the doors of the Roman Church and succeed at this it did.
Due to these two different perspectives blended and synthesized together in the New Testament, there exist many contradictions and conflicts among the Scriptures in the New Testament. I present them through numerous Scriptural comparisons of presumed Messianic prophecies for all to see. By so doing, all can see that something is desperately wrong when the personified and allegorical events in the make-believe lives of allegorical "Solar Saviors" and "Pagan Christs" are twisted and later presented in the New Testament to non-Jews unfamiliar with the Hebrew Scriptures as assumed fulfillments of the Jewish Messianic Scriptures when they were not! What I present in this website is evidence that, contrary to Christianity's claims over the last eighteen hundred years, there is no confirmation of Christology in the Hebrew Scriptures, none whatsoever. Christians use proof-texts to advance their position that Christianity is the fulfillment of Hebrew Scriptures, yet all the while, they do not know that the texts they use from their Bibles are nothing more than false "proof texts" that are taken from forged and corrupted Hebrew Scriptures from the Hebrew and Jewish Bibles and texts! The so-called proof-texts, that are actual forgeries of Hebrew Scriptures unknown to most people without proper and thorough study, end up used to confirm the Christian's inherited religious beliefs from Church traditions. In this website, I will demonstrate that these verses from the Hebrew Bible are not proof-texts at all for the supposed divine message of Christianity but outright lies and deceptions when compared with the earlier Hebrew Masoretic Scriptures before their later corruption in Greek translations of them. That the Greek translations of the Hebrew Scriptures underwent almost constant alteration down through history by Roman scribes and monks, and that this occurred to our Christian Bibles before we inherited them is unknown to the vast majority of Christians in the world.
I have chosen to deal with these forged Christian Messianic passages and have organized them and explained them, commenting on their falsehoods and mistranslations as we analyze them in regard to their inaccuracy of translations when compared to the true Hebrew Masoretic Scriptures. These textual falsifications are faulty in many ways, as you will quickly come to realize when you study and compare them for yourself. Often, these Hebrew Scriptures were taken out of context, twisted in meaning, forced in connection, mistranslated, misquoted, or a combination of these formidable defects. Many scholars today that the many events related in the New Testament are literary creations purposefully written and created to fit the Hebrew Bible's verses. We need not ascertain whether such falsified events really occurred historically or not since this is easily done when such events are researched in Comparative Religious studies and books, and there found to have existed thousands of years earlier as applied to the gods and goddesses in the Ancient Wisdom and Mystery Religions. No greater book could a person own to see this for themselves, than T. W. Doan's
What we do find in the Hebrew Bible are verses that show Judaism makes available personal salvation and life eternal through the Torah. The Christian is unwilling to see this, let alone admit this, for if he did, his whole mission of soul salvation for the world would crumble. However, the Hebrew Holy Bible is replete with passages which prove personal salvation is secured through Judaism. Moreover, Jesus also said this in the New Testament itself. In the Gospel of John, 4:22, the New Testament states, "Salvation is of the Jews." the New Testament states. God is shown in the Holy Bible to have a special relationship, a Covenant, with the people of Judaism, which is perfect, unbreakable, and eternal and it is this "Holy Nation and Royal Priesthood" which is to be a light of this Divine Revelation to you and me.THE HEBREW MESSIAH IS NOT THE CHRIST OF ROME
The Bible describes the Messiah and the Messianic Era. The Hebrew Messiah and the Christ of Christianity have absolutely nothing in common. Jesus did not fulfill the Messianic expectations for the Messiah at all as found in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Jesus of the New Testament appears as if he did but you will quickly see when comparing the Hebrew with the Greek and English passages that no fulfillment is accomplished. The Jews have known this for centuries. Only they have the true Scriptures God imparted through them as his priest and holy nation to humankind and never corrupted them as has been done by the Gentiles with the New Testament. This is new knowledge for the typical Christian, which I am sure will find such information and knowledge hard to believe. After reading the following passages, one by one, and comparing the Hebrew passage with the forged Christian passage in the Christian's Old and New Testament, then it will become apparent to him that someone has tampered with the Hebrew Bible and altered the Revelation from God intended for the world along with "key" passages concerning the Jewish Messiah. In light of such charges made against Gentile Christianity and their "new" religion history records for us that Christianity's Christ is supposed to have a second coming to accomplish the expectations. However, there is nothing in the Hebrew Scriptures about a second coming. Such a doctrine is born out of desperation when confronted with the facts from the Hebrew Scriptures. The New Testament depicts Jesus' followers waiting for his immediate return and did so during their lifetimes in hopes that he would accomplish his supposed Messianic role. This, of course, did not happen, and Christianity has had to explain this nonoccurrence now going on 2,000 years.Therefore, What Is the Truth about the Matter...Did Jesus Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies in the Hebrew Bible?
Well...let us look at the evidence and make an intelligent decision...shall we?
SOURCE: http://truthaboutmessianicprophecy.com/
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