Religious ideas and beliefs should not be above criticism or beyond satire we use both...we're different. * No written or expressed guarantees are made about the use of alternative, metaphysical or spiritual enlightenment tools, services and supplies. This site is for entertainment/enlightenment purposes only and is done in parody..."It's a joke son..."~Foghorn Leghorn

Even the the wisdom of heresy has it's own specific tune and melody unique to the wisdom of heresy.~Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's a Hebrew thing

Being the laughing stock of all your facebook friends can't be fun. Do you post blasphemous cute little pictures trying to prove the chriatians are way off the mark not honoring the Sabbath, yet you turn around and worship an idol? (RCC)  

You can't graph a new idea onto a closed mind. Wake the hell up and come out of Babylon, Sally.

"Beware: Not everyone using the term Messianic Judaism is practicing the religion taught by Rebbe Y'shua. Many are Evangelical Christians hoping to make Christianity appear biblical.

Judaism is the One only True Faith proclaimed in the Bible. This Web Site is very emphatic that the Messiah proclaimed by Christianity is really a contortion of the True Hebrew Messiah Who was an orthodox Jew, addressed as Rabbi by His contemporaries. This Halachic Oral Torah confirming Jewish Messiah has been high-jacked by Christianity which presented Him as a Torah rejecting Christian. Christianity only started more than 2 centuries later as a vehemently anti-Jewish religion which persecuted the Jewish Messianic believers in the dungeons of Rome.

The message to the Jewish people from Christianity has been, “Jesus is the anti-Torah; forsake your Torah and come to Christ instead.” Even many branches of “Messianic Judaism” have had a similar message. Groups we call Hebrew Pentecostals and Hebrew Baptists have assimilated into Christian sub-cultures so that Torah and Jewish life seem foreign to many Jewish followers of Yeshua." Jews for Jesus is a perfect example. They are Christian evangelist (Period) 

Calling for Christians to Come Out Of Babylon when a person is locked in the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church Religion of Constantine is the epitome of hypocrisy!

Do you not know the worst sin biblically a human being can commit is HYPOCRISY?

Jews for Jesus, Nazerene Judaism, Hebrew Root Movement, Benny Hinn, TBN, The Vatican, First Baptist Church and every sister denomination of the RCC all are worshiping a demigod, a messenger/angels instead of The Creator of the Universe (the Holy One, Blessed be He)! G-d alone is to be worshiped. 


The Thirteen Foundations of the Ramba'm

It's a Hebrew thing

The Fifth Foundation is that it is proper to serve Him, blessed be He, to ascribe to Him greatness, to make known His greatness, and to fulfill His commandments. We may not do this to any lesser being, whether it be one of the angels, the stars, the celestial spheres, the elements, or anything formed from them. For all these things have predetermined natures and have no authority or control over their actions. Rather, such authority and control is God's. Similarly, it is not proper to serve them as intermediaries in order that they should bring us closer to God. Rather, to God Himself we must direct out thoughts, and abandon anything else.
This fifth foundation is based in the prohibition against idolatry about which much of the Torah deals.

The Nature of the Only Begotten Son

The Primal Cause of all manifest life, Elohiym is described in the Written Torah as the One and Only God (Echad Elohiym) consisting of dual gender, both male and female. It was this dual nature that gave birth to the one and only begotten Son of Elohiym. While an inestimable number of beings have since taken birth, only one was directly "begotten" by Elohiym. Of this we read:
KJV: Colossians 1:13: [GOD] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son...
1:15: ... who 
[i.e. the Son] is the image [eikon: representation or resemblance -- Strong's G1504] of the invisible God, the firstborn [prōotokos: first born, first begotten -- Strong's G4416] of all creation.

"Created being!!!!" 

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