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Even the the wisdom of heresy has it's own specific tune and melody unique to the wisdom of heresy.~Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012 US Presidential Election and December 21 2012

2012 US Presidential Election and December 21 2012

Is it a coincidence that there will be a US Presidential election just prior to the 2012 Mayan doomsday predictions? How does this fit into all the prophecies of the Bible and the Mayans?





  Consider some facts:
1. There is coming an Antichrist to rule the world. (II Thessalonians 2:8)

2. The Antichrist will not be revealed until immediately after the Rapture of the Church occurs (Christians will be Caught up to meet the Lord in the air. I Thessalonians 4:17) IF there is a major catastrophe on December 2012, and IF the US President is the antichrist (and that’s a lot of ifffing), The early 2013 installation of a new US president would make him the “savior of the world” since he would immediately institute “emergency measures” to curtail the crisis caused by the current calamities.

3. The Antichrist rises to world-wide preeminence almost immediately, due to the fact that he has “the answers” for some sort of global catastrophe that will have just occurred.

4. The Antichrist institutes global “citizenship” by requiring all who cooperate in banking or business or wishing to buy or sell to receive a mark on their forehead or hand. That number is 666. It is the Mark of the Beast. The technology is here now, and in operation already in many venues. Probably the US “health care reform” that is being rushed through Congress at the end of 2009 beginning of 2010 will be the impetus, since seemingly, everyone will think the “embedded microchip” will be a great way to store medical information.

5. The Antichrist offers peace and security for any and all who join his “system”. He will be the most powerful and influential person on the planet, bar none.

A possible time-line:a. The November 2012 elections.
b. Some horrendous cataclysmic event occurs late November, early to mid December 2012.
c. The new US President takes office in early, 2013.
d. Instantly, he must make major world-shaking decisions to restore the peace, society, and government. Thus, the Mark of the Beast, etc.

This, by no means, is a prediction. And the author does not personally believe that these dates are in any way accurate. Rather, God will bring the Antichrist into power exactly when His time is right. To be sure, those who think they know the exact date are wrong.

It is, however, very interesting that there is a US presidential election just mere weeks before December 21, 2012, when the whole world has been hyped to expect something catastrophic to happen.

The Antichrist will rule the nations of the Revived Roman Empire, (which may or may not include the United States of America) during the 7-year Tribulation period.

Our concern here is not “Who” the antichrist is, or “what countries” he controls, but rather that every one of our readers prepares himself for the return of the Savior, the Lord Jesus.

Don’t worry about December 2012, prepare for Revelation 20:12 [1]


Is the Rapture a Biblical Doctrine?

To make sure we are on the same page with what the Rapture is supposed to be, please begin by watching this 2 minute video by a Rapture beliving ministry:

The Rapture doctrine means one thing and one thing only. It does not refer to people going to Heaven after they die, to people having visions or traveling in visionary states etc. The Rapture theory refers to the belief in the nearly instantaneous translocation of every single "Born Again Christian" on earth to Heaven as shown in this video. It refers to the nearly instantaneous disappearance of millions (if not billions) of human beings around the globe without a trace. It speaks of the "taking away" of every child on earth, of jets falling from the skies as Christian pilots are "taken" (arguably a good reason not to hire Christians hehe); it foretells the worst multi-car pile-ups in history as every vehicle being driven by a Christian is suddenly abandoned and careens out of control, of husbands and wives, parents and their children being separated as the Christians are "taken" in a twinkling of an eye from all over the globe.

This is what we mean by the term Rapture.
The Doctrine of the Rapture of the Church is the popular Nicean Christian belief that at some point in the future HaShem will extract all true "Christians" from the earth, "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" leaving everyone else here to suffer under the reign of the coming Antichrist (Rex Mundi).

This idea gained popular support through the teachings of Dr. Clarence Larkin (Dispensational Truths), Rev. Charles Scofield (The Scofield Bible), a plethora of Second and Third Great Awakening Evangelists (see my study The Great Awakenings for more on these religious developments), and more recently from the unbiblical works of fiction by Tim Lahey known as The Left Behind Series in which the Antichrist is depicted as a Transylvanian Dracula-type Liberal do-gooder gone bad! Likewise, Family Radio of Harold Camping has used this teaching to mislead millions. We need to understand the truth of this! Is this a biblical doctrine? Consider the following:
In Summary

"Just the Facts Please!"
    No Biblical Support:
  • The "Rapture" is a new doctrine, not historically held by any segment of the Church prior to the mid 1800's.
  • Proponants can't agree on the question of timing: Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation, so it's obviously not that clear. There are clear statements in the Revelation and elsewhere that contradict all three of the theorized time frames for a Rapture.
    If this earth shaking event were truly a biblical prophecy it would be made clear by the holy prophets.
  • One reason often given for why the Rapture must occur is that the Holy Spirit (the Ruach of HaShem: the Holy Presence of HaShem) must be removed from the Earth during the reign of the Beast (Rex Mundi/Antichrist). No biblical evidence for this view is ever offered nor can any be shown. Were God's Presence ever withdrawn from the Earth all life would instantly cease to exist since in the Spirit of Adonai "...we live, and move, and have our being..." (Acts 17:28). 
    Doctrinally this idea is even more problematic because were this accurate no one post Rapture could be "saved" nor have any communion with God (to be directed by Him etc.) and yet the biblical prophets clearly show divine intervention and inspiration throughout the entire final seven year period.
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered but passed through the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19). So too will we pass through the Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
  • Daniel was delivered but he nonetheless went through the Lion's den (Daniel 6:16).
  • The House of Judah survived King Nebuchadnezzar's tyrany but they passed though their Babylonian captivity.
  • The House of Judah survived the wrath of Haman because Mordecai was inspired to say to Esther: "...who knows whether you haven't come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). They went through the experiences and HaShem protected them. So too will we pass through the Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
  • Nowhere in Scripture does Adonai remove His people in this way. They always pass through the "Red Sea" and continue in His service under His protection and inspiration. [2]  More:


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