This is totally off topic, but it’s burning up my Twitter feed and I just need to get it off my chest.
A bizarre video was recently posted to YouTube of Bishop Eddie Long being “crowned” at his church in a truly weird ritual. In the video, a “rabbi” named Ralph Messer wraps Long in what he describes as a 300-year-old “Holocaust scroll,” then drapes him in a shawl and hoists him in the air before declaring him a king.
It’s all very strange, not least because Long, the pastor of an Atlanta megachurch, was disgraced last year in a scandal involving his sexual relationships with at least four underage parishoners. (Long has been vocally anti-gay throughout his career, and the parishoners were male.)
There’s nothing that’s not creepy about the whole thing, and it’s been greeted with the mockery it deserves, but there’s one piece of the story that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention but should:
Rabbi Ralph Messer isn’t Jewish.
Messer is a proponent of so-called Messianic Judaism, a religious movement founded in the 1960s that wraps evangelical Christian theology in Jewish cultural trappings.
Put simply, it’s a Christian movement. Messer is a Christian minister.
And despite Messer’s claim to be acting “on behalf of the Jewish people and the land of Israel,” there’s nothing Jewish about the performance he put on at Long’s church. Neither the ritual nor the language of Messer’s act have any basis in Jewish traditions, while his repeated references to the divinity of Jesus and quotations from the Christian bible make his actual theology clear.
Also, the “priceless” Torah scroll Messer wraps Long in is almost certainly a fake. As you can see at 5:15 in the video, the thing is held together with scotch tape.
Oh, and one more tip for “Rabbi” Messer, if he’s reading this. The name of the Nazi concentration camp where you claim you found that scroll? It’s Auschwitz-Birkenau, not “Auschwitz and Birkendal.” SOURCE:

Ralph Messer is not a Messianic Jewish Rabbi

By now, most of you have seen the horrifying desecration of a Sefer Torah (a scroll hand-copied by a Jewish scribe with meticulous care) by Ralph Messer at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia (only about ten miles from my home in Snellville). Dozens of people have been sending me emails, Facebook messages, etc., asking for my view. In my opinion, this event was far less the fault of Bishop Eddie Long than of Ralph Messer. I have been told that the video at the 9:57 mark shows the Bishop’s discomfort with the ceremony. Furthermore, I pin the blame on Ralph Messer who claims to be a rabbi and claims to be Messianic Jewish.
Ralph Messer is not a rabbi affiliated with the UMJC, the MJAA, or the IMJA. He does not represent Messianic Judaism. Anyone may claim to be a priest, rabbi, or pastor. A friend constantly tells me that there are mail-order and internet “Ordination Certificates” available as cheaply as $5. I have heard of Ralph Messer and from time to time people have sent me material by him. I have regarded it with the same lack of seriousness as a Chick tract (google Jack Chick) or a video of Robert Tilton.
The fact that talented showmen who have no legitimate message, who are self-authorized, who contradict the sound values of religion repeatedly, can gather crowds and make names for themselves should not surprise anyone. I run across the kind of gullible people who believe the Ralph Messers of the world all the time. Many of them are good people. And many see the light eventually and move past their hypnotic fascination with the showy spectacles. The ones who should be ashamed are the wolves in sheep’s clothing like Ralph Messer. The message of people like Ralph Messer is not Judaism (the historic faith which is thousands of years old and which has a rich, multi-layered tradition that has continued developing ever since) nor Christianity (ditto).
Many of us (leaders in Messianic Judaism) have been talking informally. I know a number of us — I’m speaking only informally and not as a representative of any organization — would like to see Bishop Eddie Long apologize, return the Torah Scroll either to Ralph Messer or whomever its previous owner was, and make a public statement that it was never his intention to have someone claiming to be a rabbi cause an offense in the Jewish community. I believe the Jewish community would be very forgiving of a pastor who was the victim of a rogue clergyman making grandiose claims.
As for Ralph Messer, I for one do not believe someone who has gone this far into harmful error and sensationalism has any role to play in religious leadership of any kind at any time in the future. Repentance by Messer would not satisfy me. An apology and early retirement would impress me. Of course, the U.S. Constitution gives Messer the freedom to be as foolish and wrong as he desires as long as he abides by the laws of our country. As for the people who have listened to Messer’s teachings and who have been fooled by the showmanship, there are many churches and synagogues where a meaningful faith and practice can be found. I hope Messer’s followers will learn from this and find true Judaism and/or true Christianity. If there are any Jewish followers of Yeshua (Jesus) in Messer’s congregation (I doubt it), I encourage them to find a UMJC, MJAA, or IMJA congregation and move on. SOURCE:

Update | A bible scholar lists  27 ways in which Messer’s performance misrepresented Jewish and Christian religious tradition. (Here)
"Ralph Messer has been exploiting African-Americans and making a mockery of the Hebrew roots of the faith for years," said former NFL Minnesota Viking chaplain Keith Johnson in a news release.