Plus: The Lucifer Myth
The theory that the character Lucifer is Hasatan has been a popular one in Christianity dating as far back as the 4th century. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. Many of us came to accept the idea that Lucifer was hasatan (satan) long before ever reading the one verse in Isa 14:12, the only place in the Bible which mentions Lucifer. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer?
Vatican builds a giant telescope and names it ''LUCIFER''

Vatican's Lucifer
The Vatican, the Jesuits and the University of Arizona, unveiled a new telescope centered upon Apache sacred ground, on Mount Graham, in Arizona. I’ve been to Indian sacred grounds and experienced a few situations to influence my belief. I’ve also talked to many who could share stories of the ancient laws which spiritually govern holy areas. Many people have not paid much attention to the ancient laws.
Placing unauthorized or unwelcomed ”whatever” on Indian sacred ground, like this telescope, or even taking any sort of sacred symbols, down to the rocks and dirt, without permission or a blessing to do so, could be a nightmare, a real life story for a Dan Brown novel and may add to the growing issues facing the Catholic Church. The church may not believe in this ancient law but it’s as old as the moon. There’s also so much history on this subject matter and individual experiences, if one does research. People can begin asking the Hawaiians as they have sacred areas on their land and there are thousands of karmic stories available.
I’m curious, why would the Vatican name the telescope Lucifer? To name it Lucifer and then place it on sacred Apache Indian ground? Yikes! And why is the Vatican interested and want to invest in something like this? Is it about the warning from the New Testament, book of Revelation and the end times? Would the Wormwood star be involved?
When reading…”And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10,11-King James Bible) I was interested in the Wormwood star. Interestingly, there’s a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. Could there be more to this story?
When I also read, “Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that he needed to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-Americans anthropologists.” I’m taking deep breaths as I finished reading this statement. Oh my..All I can say, dear Father, pray, pray and pray…
The Vatican really needed to name their telescope ''LUCIFER'', no matter that the acronym is LBTNIUWCIFUFER???
Lucifer's manual."]
Information about Vatican's Lucifer."]
The Lucifer Myth
By Obadyahu Benyamin
Who is Lucifer?
To many, religious and otherwise, the question of who exactly “Lucifer” is an easy one to answer. Lucifer is the enemy right (hasatan)? The theory that the character Lucifer is Hasatan has been a popular one in Christianity dating as far back as the 4th century. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. Many of us came to accept the idea that Lucifer was hasatan long before ever reading the one verse in Isa 14:12, the only place in the Bible which mentions “Lucifer”. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer; and “the enemy”, that is hasatan, is never, at any point in the Bible, referred to by name? Wouldn’t it be mind blowing to find out that the character “Lucifer” wasn’t hasatan or the devil? It would certainly destroy the doctrinal principles of religions which have sprung off the theoretical foundation that Lucifer is “the devil” – especially those which deem their leaders infallible. Well, brace yourself, because we are going expose this myth for what it is! A few things worth noting before we start:
•Lucifer is never directly or indirectly called Satan, nor is the word Satan ever found in Isaiah 14.
•Despite all the NT’s reference to hasatan, there is never a quote from Isa 14 to substantiate their position on Satan.
• Isa 14:12 is the ONLY place the word “Lucifer” is EVER used in the Tanakh.
Now let’s begin!
Lucifer is NOT a Name:
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (KJV)
First and foremost the word in the actual Hebrew text (that is translated as Lucifer) is the word haylel (הילל) which means morning star. Coincidently, the Latin word “Lucifer” has the meaning of “morning star”, and is defined as the following on the Google online dictionary:
morning star: a planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern sky
So definitively Lucifer and Haylel have the same meaning (implicitly), however there is one major problem. Lucifer is a translation, not a transliteration. Proper names are transliterated NOT translated. This is a simple indication that the word Haylel is not a proper name, nor was lucifer intended to be viewed as a proper name in its original usage. Also, when we look in the Latin Vulgate’s version of 2 Pe 1:19, the Greek word for morning-star (phosphoros) is translated as lucifer, indicating that the word lucifer was never intended to be understood as a proper name:
Even the writers of the Catholic Encyclopedia admit the parable is “expressly directed” towards the King of Babel – so why the Lucifer translation? Can anybody say tradition? The Catholic Encyclopedia
claims it to have a “deeper significance”; hence this permits them to apply it to hasatan, even though it contradicts the context of the passage. They’ve admitted themselves, however, that there is no other basis, besides the tradition of the “early Fathers” and later Catholic Commentators, for interpreting Isa 14:12 as an address to hasatan! The verse they cited, which allegedly corresponds with Isa 14:12, Luke 10:18, does not quote Isa 14:12, nor does it say Lucifer, Haylel, or any of the like. Notice, the Master says “I saw Satan” not “I saw Lucifer/Haylel” etc…
Luk 10:18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan falling out of the heaven as lightning. The NT does give us an image of hasatan being cast out of Heaven – no doubt about that. But it never says it was specifically because of pride (as the King of Babel), or trying to be like HaShem (as the King of Babel). Hasatan could have been cast to earth for any sin; but neither the NT nor OT specify what that sin was. Nor does the NT, in all its references, ever cite Isa 14 as the basis for the hasatan’s fall. The Bible has the tendency to be silent concerning the specifics in heavenly matters; and it probably does so for a reason, being that not all heavenly things are to be revealed to humans (2 Cor 14:12).
The fact is, though hasatan did fall from Heaven, we don’t know what sin caused this fall; and we have subconsciously accepted philosophies about hasatan, which don’t actually reflect the Biblical account, rather, the tradition of man! Was there an ulterior motive behind this? Possibly! A whole Luciferian Religion (the worship of self and satan) has sprung off a Christian error! Numerous groups, have used this misrepresentation of “lucifer” to build religions – some even claiming themselves to be Messiahs or worldly representations of God on earth. Showing this error, however, reveals the fallible nature of many of these self-proclaimed Messiahs and Priests and sends a humbling blow to the heart of their followers. Our brothers originally believed and taught that Isa 14:12 was an address to hasatan, in ignorance; however, upon knowledge of the truth we immediately adjusted. This was simple for us though because no one here claims to be infallible, where Biblical knowledge is concerned; and we are constantly adjusting and perfecting our knowledge. What one may notice is that many groups who, associate divinity/infallibility with their leaders, and/or the KJV (and any other Text which falsely translates haylel as “Lucifer”), will be extremely reluctant to accept this simple error, and will become immediately defensive of their congregation and this tradition. Our advice is to avoid these groups at all cost.
The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that one’s wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. Only fools are not subject to correction and reproof. Assemblies who will continue to perpetuate this Lucifer lie, after knowledge of this clear evidence, represent the fool in proverbs. Lucifer is not hasatan, nor is it a proper name, but an honorific title given to the King of Babel meaning morning
star – plain and simple. Stop the Lucifer Lie!
Shalom aliekhem
Obadyahu Benyamin
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