Members of the Westboro Baptist Church appear to be on their way to protest aprayer vigil for victims of the Aurora massacre, according to tweets from members posted by
Using the hashtag #ThankGodForTheShooter, reports members tweeted out their plans to "super picket" the candle lit prayer service, saying "God is at work in Colorado."Jr

Hi ho Hi ho, to Colorado we go! !!…

Almost immediately, members of the community launched a campaign on Redditand Facebook to form a "wall of love" around the memorial service to block the group from getting close. Church member Fred Phelps Jr. said these efforts would be in vain:

@WBCFredJr WBC in Colorado to conquer yet another "wall", just like yesterday in Columbia. #andthewallcametumblingdown!
Earlier this morning, the Denver Comic Con released a statement on their Facebook page urging patrons of the convention to assist in forming a human barrier in front of the service.
“If you volunteered for Denver Comic Con 2012, or any other Con, and are planning to attend tonight's vigil, please consider wearing your volunteer t-shirt. I'm asking my DCC volunteers to be prepared to help form the barrier, should Westsboro show up."