Religious ideas and beliefs should not be above criticism or beyond satire we use both...we're different. * No written or expressed guarantees are made about the use of alternative, metaphysical or spiritual enlightenment tools, services and supplies. This site is for entertainment/enlightenment purposes only and is done in parody..."It's a joke son..."~Foghorn Leghorn

Even the the wisdom of heresy has it's own specific tune and melody unique to the wisdom of heresy.~Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eros is coming! Eros is coming!

Eros is coming! 433 Eros, the asteroid that allowed astronomers to measure the distance of the Sun, makes its closest approach since 1975 in January/February 2012

A mosaic image of 433 Eros made by the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft on 29 February 2000 while circling the asteroid. The asteroid is roughly a cylinder in shape with a length of 34 km and a diameter of 11 km. Image courtesy NASA/JPL/JHUAPL
The asteroid 433 Eros is of great historical significance for its close approaches to Earth enabled astronomers to make an accurate measurement of its distance and hence the distance of the Sun to Earth. The value of the solar distance provided by observations of Eros, ended two centuries of effort to determine that distance using observations of theTransit of Venus.
The asteroid is making its closest approach to Earth in 37 years in late January and early February in 2012. Having this event in the same year as a rare transit of Venus is a fortuitous historical coincidence.
The minor planet or asteroid 433 Eros was discovered by two astronomers, Gustav Witt at Berlin and Auguste Charlois at Nice, on the night of 13 August 1898. When astronomers calculated the path of the newly discovered asteroid around the Sun they realised that the path has the shape of a somewhat elongated oval and the asteroid’s average distance from the Sun is less than that of the planet Mars. These two factors mean that that Eros can on occasion come relatively close to Earth providing an opportunity for its distance to be measured accurately.
The approach of Eros in January/February 1931 was a particularly favourable one with a minimum distance from Earth of about 25 million km. Before the event the Royal Greenwich Observatory astronomer Harold Spencer Jones explained in the Astronomical Journalwhat kind of observations were necessary to secure the distance of Eros:
1. Observations taken at a single observatory in the evening and in the morning or
2. Observations secured simultaneously at two observatories in approximately the same
latitude but differing several hours in longitude or
3. Observations secured simultaneously at two observatories at approximately the same
longitude but differing as widely as possible in latitude.
The position and path of 433 Eros on 1 February 2012 with respect to the Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Courtesy JPL Small-Body Database Browser
In 2012 Eros will not approach quite as closely as 81 years earlier, but at a distance of 26.7 million km it is still a fairly close approach. Of course, there is nothing to fear and there is no risk whatsoever to the planet Earth.
In late January and in early February 2012 amateur astronomers should easily be able to find Eros with a small telescope. Its magnitude at that time is expected to be 8.6 which should be bright enough to ensure visibility despite a bright Moon that ranges in phase from first quarter on 31 January to full on 8 February 2012. In the early evening after dusk Eros is low in the eastern sky.
For those with setting circles on their telescopes, the coordinates on 31 January (from the BAA 2012 Handbook) are 10 hours 33 minutes 19.0 seconds RA and -4° 48’ 23” declination. On 10 February the RA is 10 hours 20 minutes 27.6 seconds and the declination is -14° 38’ 49 seconds.
To those with small telescopes, good luck in finding and observing Eros!
Postscript: There is now  a good finding chart, created by Sky and Telescope magazine, that will help you locate 433 Eros in the sky. For Australian use invert the chart and look due east in the evening around 10:00pm to see Leo rising. Each dated tick-mark shows the position at 11:00am EAST for that date. Use these tick-marks to estimate the asteroid’s position, then look through your telescope for the extra ‘star’ -Andrew Jacob

Abandon all your possessions and run for the hills: It has been foretold that the world is coming to an end sooner than you think, in the year 2012. It seems that you can't pick up any newspaper or magazine without reading that the apocalypse is almost upon us.

What really is going to happen in 2012? Asteroid 433 Eros is going to pass within 17 million miles of the Earth in January; the United States will hand over control of the Korean military back to the Koreans in April; there will be an annular solar eclipse in May and a solar transit of Venus in June; the Summer Olympics will take place in London; the Earth's population will officially pass 7 billion people in October; the United States will elect a new President in November; construction of the new Freedom Tower will be complete in New York City; the sun will flip its magnetic poles as it does at the end of every 11-year sunspot cycle; and, as I'm sure you've heard by now, the Mayan calendar completes its 5,125 year cycle, presumably portending the End of Days.

Mayans had three calendars. They had a solar calendar that was 365 days long, and a ceremonial calendar that was 260 days long. These two calendars would synchronize every 52 years. To measure longer time periods, they developed the "long count" calendar, which expressed dates as a series of five numbers, each less than twenty; something like the way we measure minutes and seconds as a series of two numbers each less than sixty. And, just in case this might seem too simple, for some reason the second to last number was always less than eighteen. The first day in the Mayan long count calendar was expressed as, and by our calendar, this was August 11, 3114 BC. Every 144,000 days (or about every 395 years, which they called a baktun), the first number would increment, and a new baktun would start. Recall how we all got to enjoy the excitement on the millennium of watching the digital displays roll over from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000? Well, that's what's going to happen on December 21, 2012 to the Mayan calendar. It's going to roll over from to, just as it has done each of the previous twelvebaktuns. There's no archaeological or historical evidence that the Mayans themselves expected anything other than a New Year's Eve party to happen on this date: Claims that this rollover represents a Mayan prediction of the end of the world appear to be a modern pop-culture invention. It's true that the Mayan carvings of their calendar only depicted 13 baktuns, but what did you expect them to do? Carve an infinitely long calendar every time they wanted to express a date? The explanation could be as simple as they didn't expect people in the 21st century to still be obsessed with their archaic calendar.

Another story predicting doom in 2012 says that a new planet, variously described as Planet X, a planet/comet (which makes no sense), or the planet "Nibiru" is going to pass so close to the Earth as to cause earthquakes and tidal waves and all kinds of destruction, possibly even flipping the Earth completely upside down. This is an urban legend that's been around for a long time, but for most of the story's history, this was supposed to happen in May of 2003, as any Internet search for "Planet X" will reveal. Apparently what happened is that the Planet X advocates, perhaps embarrassed or disappointed that 2003 passed without incident, heard about the much more popular Mayan calendar story, and decided that 2012 is close enough to 2003 that it must be the correct date and that the Planet X destruction is probably what the Mayans were foretelling. The Planet X legend got started by misinterpretations of astronomical observations combined with an ancient Sumerian carving that has been erroneously interpreted to depict a solar system with ten planets. Why the craftsmen who made carvings in ancient Sumeria should be presumed to have planetary knowledge superior to that of modern astronomy is not convincingly argued. If you're interested in all of the actual science behind the Planet X story, there's no better source than Phil Plait's "Bad Astronomy" blog, which goes into all the facts, rumors, and sources in detail.

Here's one more reason people are frightened about 2012. About 500 years ago, Copernicus confirmed what Hipparchus had observed in 2200 BC: that the axis of the Earth, which leans over at 23.5°, completes one full rotation every 25,765 years. This means that in 12,000 years, Christmas will come to Australia in winter and the northern hemisphere will depict Santa in Bermuda shorts. Astrologers call this period a Great Year, and they divide it into 12 Great Months or astrological "ages", each about 2,147 years long. Each age corresponds to one of the signs of the zodiac. We are currently in the Age of Pisces, and like the song says, we're soon going to enter the Age of Aquarius. According to modern official delineations of the edges of the constellations, we'll move into the new age in the year 2600. But there's some disagreement, and some astrologers place it at 2595, 2654, or 2638. A few put it much earlier, as soon as 2150 or even 2062. However, once the news of the Mayan calendar broke, a large segment of the astrological community abandoned the official constellation definitions and stated that the Age of Aquarius will begin in 2012. So, you can call this a third major reason why the world will end in 2012, but you have to be awful loose with your astrology, and you also have to think of some reason why the dawning of the Age of Aquarius might bring on the end of the world. I have not found any plausible claims for how it might have this effect.

So that's a lot of reasons, weak though they might be, to predict that the we're all going to die in 2012. However, there's one significant fact that the 2012 doomsayers all seem to forget: Despite all the various 2012-ish predictions for the end of the world, there are far more stories of apocalypse with different dates. For example, popular interpretations of Nostradamus found predictions for the end of the world in July of 1999, December of 1999, June of 2002, and October of 2005. It's also been said that his writings could mean the dead will rise from their graves in either 2000, 2007, or the year 7000. Nostradamus never said anything about 2012.

Many Protestant Christians believe that the end of the world will come in the form of what they call the Rapture, when the righteous will all be whisked away to heaven. Shakers believed the Rapture would come in 1792. Seventh Day Adventists first calculated it would happen in 1843, then when nothing happened, they found an error in their calculations and corrected it to 1844. The Jehovah's Witnesses made firm predictions for 1918, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1984, and 1994. A book was published in 1988 called 88 Reasons the Rapture is in 1988. A number of Bible scholars found firm scriptural evidence that the Rapture would happen in October of 2005. Thousands of Koreans gave away all their money and possessions in preparation for the Rapture on October 28, 1992. Even Sir Isaac Newton made a calculation based on scripture that showed the Rapture could not happen before 2060. Some Jewish scholars place the "end of days" via Armageddon in the year 2240. I couldn't find 2012 mentioned in any of these stories.

In fact, James Randi's magnum opus publication An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural lists 44 distinct end of the world predictions that all came and went unfulfilled. Why should we think that the 2012 legends are any different? Any examination of the science behind any of the stories, even a glib examination, reveals a complete absence of plausible foundation. Only the Planet X story, which is the most easily falsified as it depends on concrete astronomical observations that are demonstrably false, offers a proposed mechanism for exactly how this "end of the world" is to be accomplished, the alleged gravitational destruction. Neither the Mayan calendar people, nor the Age of Aquarius people, have offered any claims for how or why the world will end, only that their particular legend points to a rollover in some ancient calendar. My calendar rolls over every time the ball drops in New York, and I've yet to see this cause any planetary cataclysm, except for the guy who has to mop out the drunk tank at the NYPD.

Many people tend to place more trust in ancient neolithic traditions than in the observations of modern science. There's nothing wrong with studying and respecting our predecessors' history for what it was, but when you turn things over and start believing that scientific knowledge of the natural world has only decreased over time, you're not doing anyone any favors. Source:

1 comment:

  1. This is March 18 2012 & we are still here, Homer!
